Be Mindful


I had a blood draw at a grocery store last week. Weird, I know. But it was convenient for getting to work and I could schedule it at the time I needed to have it done. Cool.

I arrived at the grocery store on time. Found the big sign for the lab in the back. And could not find the door.

The pharmacy next to the lab wouldn’t open for another hour.

I frantically checked my email to make sure I was there on the correct day at the correct time. I was. So where was the entrance to the lab?

Stacks of boxes surrounded me. Bright lights shone. Shelves down every aisle were filled. I looked up from my email and scanned the store again. There had to be a door. Where was it?

As I scanned I noticed a woman walk out from between the stacks of boxes. Where had she come from?

A. Ha. A door! In between the towers of stock. A door! Less than 10 feet away from me. A door! With the name of the lab on it. A door! As obvious as a door can be.

If I were my own best friend I would remind myself to pause and actually look (LOOK) at my surroundings sometimes. I missed a door. What else might I be missing?

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